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HOME | Against Climate Change | For Latin American and Caribbean Integration | For a New Democratic International Order | Collaboration, Donations | Board of Directors, Statutes |
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We are pleased to announce that the book "El Entorno del Colapso", written by our directors Francisco Rafael Gauna and Carlos Enrique Dallmeier and produced by our Association, is now available for sale. In this story, the authors show off an exciting narrative of the adventures of a married couple and their semi-dysfunctional family, where the husband (Martinio) is a member of an environmental defense organization (SIA) and his wife (Amenapa) is an officer of a command opposed to her husband's; they, through the use of communication juggling, serve as a backdrop to provide, in an entertaining way, relevant information on each of the topics discussed in the work, such as climate change, narrating funny scenes, action, romance, conspiracy, among others, which will make your reading moments of pleasant enjoyment. |
COP28, the meeting convened by the United Nations last year in Cairo to address the issue of Climate Change, marked a turning point in the fight against it.
At the beginning of the meeting, important scientific studies were combined that explained it as a consequence of the emission of greenhouse gases due to anthropogenic action, with the determined activity of social movements from all latitudes, strata and tendencies of the globe, which demanded decisive action in the face of the growing materialization of the ravages that it was causing, both in the social aspect and in health and the economy. Continue reading the editorial |
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSOCIATION We find ourselves in times of a global paradox, where human beings live in times of great scientific advances that predict a better quality of life, but at the same time, they are the main predator and enemy of the environment, to the point that with their irrational actions , motivated mainly by an excessive ambition for wealth and power, is causing a sustained and progressive increase in global temperature, which directly impacts ALL living beings and threatens the very existence of life on the planet. |
We promote the fight against Climate Change With Climate Change, all of humanity faces an extremely serious danger, which even threatens its very existence. Many scientists and experts from all latitudes have written and spoken on the subject, and it has been the central object of important global events held for its study. That is to say, this problem and the way to deal with it successfully are very well known. |
We advocate for a new Democratic International order Human beings are facing challenges that have never been presented to us in history, and that threaten life itself on the planet, the most serious being the following: * Climate change with its terrifying prospects; * Pandemics such as the one experienced with COVID 19 and of which repetitions are predicted that may be even more severe; |
In search of the union of the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean area The COVID19 pandemic, the effects of Climate Change and the current wars in Ukraine and Palestine have caused many countries to raise the need to create a New International Order, which is capable of effectively facing this type of situations, which would have to be add very serious challenges such as: desertification, water scarcity, large migrations, new pandemics and wars, etc. |